I am Jacob and I was born in 2013. I am an older brother to my younger sister Millie.
I attend a special needs school which I absolutely love. I love being in water (my mummy always says I should of been a dolphin as i love it so much).
I am a happy boy who loves to experience new things, though I am a creature of habit and I love routine. I do not talk but i make my needs and wants heard. I can walk about but I do get very tired and I am a bit unsteady. I need constant supervision, I have no awareness of danger and I put everything in my mouth. I also can have seizures and I take regular medication to control it, as well as my extreme reflux. I have recently been put on a high dose of meds for this and it seems to be helping a little, though I do have to have thickened fluids and can’t have rich dairy products such as ice cream :(
I live at home with my mummy, daddy and my little sister. I have amazing carers who I love and have very lovely grandparents who understand me. I love to play copying games and giving out high fives!
I do have a few cheeky behaviors that make me a bit of a pickle but normally these are just phases and I grow out of them.
Hobbies: Feeding the ducks, football (having a little kick about) swimming, sensory activities , going for walks, music, being on the trampoline and swings
Likes: Bubbles, flour, water, sand, messy play, people singing and signing to me, rocking on the floor, chocolate, snuggles with mummy, my dummy
Dislikes: People singing the wrong song, waiting, not feeling like I have an adults attention, being tired, being changed, having teeth brushed.