
I love spending time with my family the most and going for walks or drives. I love swimming in the summer, and playing in the snow in the winter. I love going to school on the bus and spending my day with my friends. I really look forward to summer as I get to go to overnight camp for 1 week. I really love overnight camp because i get to spend time with my friends that i don't see during the year as well as some close friends i spend time with year round. 

I am usually a very happy girl except when im tired or having lots of seizures. I am not very aware of danger and dangerous situations so my family or caregivers are always around. 

I love spending time with my twin sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins and both sets of grandparents. They know me and understand me the best. 

One of my favorite things is spending time with dogs. All my neighbors know me and when they walk by they let me hug/pat/walk their dogs. My favorite is when i get wet

Hobbies: Swimming, going for drives, going for walks, going for bike rides in trailer, sensory activities, music and dance, horseback riding

Likes: bubbles, music, water play, sensory play, horses and horseback riding, tubbing, Elmo, spending time with family, animals (dogs particularly) and petting farms/zoos, picking at scabs, pulling toenails, playing with my ipad, eating ice cream, jumping on the trampoline, swinging in the hammock, going for kayak rides with dad, dance parties

Dislikes: Being restrained and not being able to move freely (due to seizures) 

Other Conditions: Autism, intellectual disabilities, ataxia, epilepsy